Wednesday, August 26, 2009

21 day challenge - final post

It's been a busy but good week. I'm down to 160.6, which is a 1.4 lb loss from last week. Probably would have been more, but had Girls Night Out last night. 'Nuf said.

I started my new job last week and have met some great teachers. It helps that my new job is in the elementary building that my kids attended the past 2 years, so I already know some of the staff and the principals. I've been setting up my room and moving boxes-that has to count for some exercise! However, the business and stress of starting a new job resulted in my not being very faithful on my habit goals this week. I've been remembering to take my vitamin, but I have to admit that the push-ups and sit-ups have pretty much gone by the wayside. I also took 5 days off from running since my legs/shins/knees have been hurting so much. I did run/walk my 3.1 this morning, but it still hurts. I've been hobbling around ever since. Maybe I need to go shopping for some new running shoes-too bad I spent my shoe money on new clothes for school :)

This was a great challenge, and I did lose some weight (at least I got down to .2 less than where we ended the previous challenge). I didn't make my goal of being in the next "decade" weight-wise, but hopefully I'll get there next week.


  1. Sounds like a stressful but great week. :) I lost 1.4 pounds this week as well. :)

  2. That's an excellent loss for the week! Great job, Bari!

  3. sounds like you're on track to get into the next decade quickly.

    for shin splints, dixie cups ice rubs work great. just fill up your dixies, put them in the fridge, then after a walk/run or when they are hurting just pull the (now ice) out of the freezer. as it melts down when you're rubbing just peel away a little of cup at a time.

    and get yourself some new shoes!! :P

  4. It's so funny because I just broke into that "weight" decade week before last! Thanks so much for linking up! :)


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