Friday, January 29, 2010

Monday project link up: Hello Me!

Our project (homework) this week with the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans was to write a letter to ourselves from our future selves. This was designed to make us "reflect" on the goals we set and to celebrate our accomplishments. This was a tough project for me, but here is my letter:

Dearest Bari,
Hello there 2010 me!
Boy, if you only knew what 2010 was going to be like for you, you'd blow a gasket. Oh wait, that's what I'm here to tell you. I don't want to spoil all the fun and surprises, so I'll just hit the highlights.
You really started 2010 with a bang. Must have been that midlife crisis you were having about turning 40 and Thing 1 and Thing 2 becoming teenagers. (More on that later.) Whatever it was, it finally gave you that kick in the ass to get back on track with your health. You finally got serious about getting back to a healthier weight. You bought a wii, got an iPhone with some running and food tracking apps, and found all these awesome, supportive friends through the blogosphere! I always knew you were kinda techie, but who knew you could use that to get healthy and make some new friends. Well girl, with all your hard work and the support of your family and friends, you definitely met your goal of being in the 140's before you hit 40. And you look fab, if I do say so myself :)
In April, you celebrated your 15th anniversary! That's certainly nothing to shake a stick at. You are one lucky girl to have such a great guy by your side. Not to mention, you are a good 3 sizes smaller than you were when you got married!
Part of going crazy must have prompted you to sign up for that 10K race. I know at the time you were thinking "OMFG, what have I done?", but you trained all spring and crossed the finish line in May with 6.2 miles under your feet. You weren't the fastest on the course, but you weren't the slowest either. You even managed to run more than you walked. Way to go! All the running has really helped you get that weight off-keep it up this time! Better than finishing the race, your daughter signed up to run it with you and you crossed the finish line together! It still brings tears to my eyes!
Speaking of those awesome twins of yours...they completely rocked their first year of middle school. To celebrate their 13th birthday in August, you spent a week at Disney World. The kids had an absolute blast! It definitely was "The Happiest Place On Earth"! You and the hubby were even able to get some alone time on this trip since your very responsible kids were able to do some things on their own, too. Excellent!
Summer came to an end and you came home from Disney and hit that 40th birthday right between the eyes. You were fit, and you were fabulous! To celebrate, you bought yourself a new pair of Silver jeans-from the junior's department! Those size 14's you bought yourself for Christmas in 09 that were already getting baggy in January 2010?-totally sold them on ebay since you will never be that size again.
Keep going strong, Bari! You accomplished a lot in 2010. 2011 is going to just get better and better. But, some advice before I head back to the future:
  • Listen to your body. Use food as fuel. Make sure you eat enough but don't get sloppy again with the portion sizes. That's how you put the weight back on last time. Keep tracking with your iPhone-that's why you bought the damn thing.
  • Schedule that mammogram and stay out of the sun. I know you think you look better with a tan, but you know you just burn anyway. Stick to the spray-on kind. You know what will happen if you don't and your kids don't need to lose their mom like you did at their age. Harsh, but true.
  • Accept that you will never be able to be everything to everybody. Get over it.
  • Hug your kids and husband EVERY SINGLE DAY!
  • Love yourself. You have become one strong, HOT, rockin' woman. Celebrate that fact! This is very hard for you to do. It is going to take some work, but with friends like those righteous gals at the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans, you can do it. If you don't, they'll come up to Michigan and give you the swift kick in the ass you need! Those gals are the ones who suggested I write you this letter. Pretty cool and insightful, huh?
I love you, 2010 me, and I'm so proud of what you accomplished this year!
2011 Me


  1. You are the hottest 39 year old I know, Bari. Seriously. I can't imagine how hot you're going to be when you reach all of your goals.

    Your letter from future you is awesome!! Way to take this project and run with it.

    And I totally got an iPhone about 2 weeks ago so I could use all the awesome apps for health and fitness :) WOOT!

  2. Thanks Christy,
    You will have to let me know which apps you like and don't like. I should have my new phone shortly-yeah!

  3. "Hug your kids" - great advice for all parents, whether losing weight or not. If you really want to get into this, Global Hug Your Kids Day is July 19. Check out

    PS Teenage daughter and I just lost weight together. She called it an "adventure." It was.

  4. I don't believe you are almost 40. You look and ooze the spirit of a twentysomething! Its gonna be a great year....and I'm so glad you are part of the Sisterhood so I can watch and clap you on!


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