For those of you who don't live in the Midwest, we are having what are local news portrays as "The Storm of the Century". Not really, but they tend to be all "the sky is falling" and crap. School was cancelled for me today because there were tornado watches early this morning. Apparently in my district, the buses don't run if there is a watch. So, I received a phone call at 6:00 this morning that we didn't have school. Yeah! Back to bed for me and the kids
So what does this have to do with today's confession post? I also have a bit of a "the sky is falling" in me that has now turned to complacency. Kinda like today's weather. All year, I have been training for one race or another (2 10k's and my first 1/2 mary). I've been working very hard to lose weight and keep it off. I've had goals. But now? Nothing.Zip.Zilch.Nada.Nothing. I don't know where to go from here.
My confessions:
- I haven't tracked my food in who knows how long. I'm not sure I need to be tracking. I'm not sure if I really need to lose anymore weight. Sure, I'd love to drop a few more pounds, but do I really need to?
- I've only worked out twice since my 1/2 (that was 9 days ago). I ran 3 miles on Friday and 2.5 miles on Saturday. My calf still hurts a bit. My ankles feel stiff and sore. Am I really injured or am I using some post race soreness as an excuse to sit on my ass? Jury's still out on that one.
- During this morning's "storm" I could have thrown in a workout DVD or fired up exersiseTV, but instead, I sat on the couch in my PJs and watched the weather radar.
- I need to learn that workouts can be other activities besides running. I have this mindset that it is all or nothing. Either I pound out 3-4 miles or it isn't worth doing. Not a good place to be.
- I have no goals. I need a race or something to be training for. I need a plan. A bunch of girls are thinking about "running" the Disney 1/2 Marathon on Jan 8 in support of our friends who are actually lucky enough to be going to Disney. I haven't committed yet, because the thought of doing 13.1 miles on a treadmill makes me want to vomit. The thought of doing 13.1 miles outside when it is 10 below and through 4 inch drifts makes me want to turn blue, vomit and then pass out. There is a reason why there are no races in the winter in Michigan. IJS.
- So, help me out. Where do I go from here?
do you have a gym membership? maybe your winter goal should be to try new forms of exercise. or do the 30 day shred again.
ReplyDeletefor today GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND GET MOVING!! then shower, put your PJs back on and enjoy a cup of cocoa. :)
LOVE an unexpected day off!!! :) for me it has to ice enough to shut down the city *sigh* living vicariously thru u! :) enjoy
ReplyDeletethanks for visiting & commenting on my blog!
We are, in fact, having unreal wind with snow starting to come down. Trade ya. :)
ReplyDeleteI am so with you on the not training for a 1/2 during the winter months. No freaking way.
Do something. Anything. Or head south for a race. :)
ReplyDeleteSeriously, try something besides running so you don't get bored or burnt out or injured. I've been adding more Pilates lately, because I loved it several years ago, and I needed something different. I'm still running, but I'm not obsessive about it. I also did my 30-day Shred work out this morning and ohmygosh it was awesome (though I cursed Jillian during the actual workout.)
For real, though. Do something. :)
Do you have a wii? I love the Biggest Loser workout and the EA Sports Active discs. You could try that as something different. I think you need to mix it up. Just running I think would get boring. We had school and spent 45 minutes in the basement kitchen with 14 preschoolers.