Tuesday, January 18, 2011

True Confession Tuesday? Do I have to?

Hi, my name is Bari and I'm a scale addict (and to answer Mel's question, I'm also addicted to Price is Right and all things NCIS and CSI). 

Because of this little confession (the scale one), I know that I had returned to my goal weight as of Saturday morning (I was back to 135.8).  Notice I said "had".  I was out of town Saturday thru Monday afternoon, which resulted in not so great food choices and minimal water consumption.  (Sorry, I refuse to drink water if I'm driving 6 hours.  As it is, I'll need to stop at least twice anyway to pee.  Any more than that and we might never reach our destination.)

For meals while I was gone (with K to her first major trampoline and tumbling competition of the year), I think I did pretty well.  Saturday lunch was Subway (with Nancy and her gorgeous daughter!  She was just as wonderful as I knew she would be!) and walking around an outlet mall where I scored a pair of size 6 dress pants at the Gap for 6 bucks (great NSV!).  When we finally reached the hotel, I ran 3 miles on the TM and we ordered Famous Dave's in.  I had a pulled pork sammie (minus the bun) with coleslaw & potato salad.  I only had 2 rum and diet cokes.  We stayed at a Hampton, so I ate WAY more breakfast than I normally do.  On our way to the venue on Sunday, K and I picked up Subway to smuggle in for lunch and I had carrots/celery with my sub.  I didn't eat any food from the venue except 1 bite of K's chicken strip and 2 of her fries.  During the meet, I calmed my nerves with twizzlers and pretzel M&M's and spent from 10 am until 8:30 pm basically sitting on my ass.  I was sweating, but only because I was nervous for my baby girl.  (If you want to see my girl's mad skills, you can click here.  She's the one in the green/white/gold leo.) When we finally got out of there at 8:30 at night (notice we hadn't really had dinner yet - K just munched on some chicken strips), we stopped at Culver's for dinner.  I had a hamburger kids meal and I used my token for my free scoop of custard.  I ate a few more twizzlers on the 3 hour drive to the hotel 1/2 way home where we stayed the night.  More Hampton's breakfast in the morning and then Subway for lunch when we finally made it home.  I attempted Zumba last night and it was a disaster.  So, overall, I tried to make the best choices I could, but I also snacked on some not-so-healthy choices.

I hope the large quantities of water I'm trying to consume today, and the run and Tworkout I will do tonight, will help on the scale tomorrow.  In any case, I am disappointed that I "blew" my goal weight yet again.


  1. twizzlers aren't healthy food? damn it!

  2. You do know that you could have done so much worse. All things considering, you made good choice. (We won't talk about the M&M's and twizzlers, but it's not like you were pigging out on other crap during that time too.)

  3. I think you did just fine for traveling. If you had a bad zumba experience, I'm not holding out much hope for mine tonight.

  4. Gah! I am so addicted to the scale too. I think that's why I'm so mad about my weight today (up two lbs. since Friday)! And what is it about long car trips and twizzlers?? They just seem necessary. Water, water, water, and throw some lemon juice in there too. That'll help. You are right on the goal, don't worry!

  5. Yeah, I'm addicted to the scale, too. I freely admit that I weigh myself every day even though I know I shouldn't. At least I've broken myself of weight morning & night. LOL

    Loved watching K's gymnastics video!


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