Monday, August 15, 2011

My First Sponsor! Ben Teal

benjamtealIt is with great pleasure that I introduce to you my first 26.2 sponsor, Ben Teal!  I met Ben at FitBloggin11 this past May, and now you get to meet him.  Ben is the author and developer of Build Muscle and Burn Fat with Middle Management and, websites chock full of techniques related to exercise and nutrition, all designed to help you lose fat while building strong muscle.  His tag line says it all:  "Your Body IS Your Business."  Common sense ways to "trim the fat."

Ben is a smart guy - a self-described "shirt and tie middle manager" who took what he learned in the business world, and as a multisport college athlete, and turned that information into a successful Internet business.  He has utilized his own techniques to shed weight which resulted from "life" getting in the way after college.  (You know the drill, sitting behind a desk, takeout, and not playing sports several hours a day.  Who hasn't had that happen to them?)  In addition to disseminating tons of health and fitness information, he has quite a presence in social media.  Ben has over 56000 followers on twitter and presented at FitBloggin11 on how to create a community and a social media following.  Clearly, with 50000+ followers, he knows what he's talking about :-)

While being a social media superstar, he is also quick with a comment and word of encouragement to us "little guys".  I can count on Ben for a DailyMile "nice job" or "way to go" after a run.  Ben has even started running himself!  He started the Couch to 5K program and has his sights set on his first 5k, a race I'm sure he's going to own, especially given his latest 3 mile, 9:10 m/m paced run! I've gotta say, I'm pretty proud of the guy.

You can find Ben on twitter here or on his Facebook Fan Page here.  If you are on DailyMile, you can follow his training here.

Thank you, Ben!  I can't wait to run "with" you in October!

Do you want to join Ben and run "with" me?  (He's got mile 23, by the way!) I would LOVE your help in getting across the Grand Rapids Marathon finish line.  I have set up a sponsorship page in which you can help me reach my goal of crossing that finish line.  You can click HERE, or click on the tab above.  I would love and appreciate any support you can give me.  Bloggy and linky love will follow, as well as the chance to sponsor individual miles and run "with" me on October 16th.  I cherish all the love and support my readers have given me this year.  I wouldn't be attempting this race without you. 

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