Sunday, September 4, 2011

LLRB 365: 2011 Week 35

How is it possible we are in week 35 of 2011 already!  School started for me this week (the kids go back Tuesday) so I was stressed and tired.  I also made a big decision to alter my marathon training schedule so my long runs will fall on Sunday from now on.  It made me all out of sorts on Saturday as I was reading about everyone's long runs!  I'll hopefully get used to it though.

I love this poster at my chiropractor's office. (He's the doctor for the US Men's Bobsled Team.)

My first day back at work included our school open house. This is how I prepared.

These feet were super antsy to move after sitting in trainings for 2 days.

I got up and ran before dawn.  This was AM on the clock.

Went to a party to mourn celebrate the end of summer.  I puffy heart LOVE the mini-kegs from Bell's.

College football!!! (Is it just me, or is the new head coach for OSU a cutie?)

My first Sunday long run - 15 miles.
Me and my shadow - she biked the 2nd half while I ran.

This past week I introduced you to my newest 26.2 sponsor, Melissa.  Stay tuned, I have a new sponsor to thank this week! Would you like to join my sponsors Ben, Erin, Andrea, Lisa, Ann, the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans and now Melissa in supporting me as I train to finish my first full marathon, the Grand Rapids Marathon?  I have set up a sponsorship page in which you can help me reach my goal of crossing the finish line (sponsorship will help pay for race fees, nutrition/hydration, shoes, etc).  You can click HERE, or click on the tab above.  I would love and appreciate any support you can give me.  Bloggy and linky love will follow, as well as the ability to sponsor individual miles and run "with" me on October 16th.  I cherish all the love and support my readers have given me this year.  I wouldn't be attempting this race without you.

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