So, I had this crazy idea to try and complete a sanctioned race every month in 2012. Crazy. Here's a list of possible races for me. If you know of any awesome races I should run, please let me know! I would prefer to run 10k or farther, but had a hard time finding any. Paying for a 5k seems silly at this point.
January 29, 2012 - Tinker Bell Half Marathon, Disneyland (this is a sure thing-already registered!)
February 11, 2012 - Frosty 5k, Middlebury, IN (a trail run, on snow, I'm nuts)
March 17, 2012 - Irish Jig 5k (a local race I've never participated in!) or RockNRoll DC Half Marathon (a lottery win required)
April 22, 2012 - Strider's 10 miler, Lansing Half Marathon (or April 1 Knoxville Half or April 28 RockNRoll Half Marathon Nashville - lottery win)
May 12, 2012 - 5/3 River Bank Run 25k
June 23, 2012 - Cheetah Chase 5k
July 12, 2012 - Tri Del Sol (yep, I put a triathlon on the schedule)
August 18, 2012 - Montrose Blueberry Festival 8k
September ?? - Fitbloggin 5k or Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon (both assuming I win the lottery)
October 21, 2012 - Grand Rapids Marathon (or possibly the Chicago Marathon the week before this)
November ?? - Hot Chocolate 15k Chicago or a random Turkey Trot
December ?? - Wooville 5k or Hot Chocolate 15k DC (can you tell I really want to run a Hot Chocolate race?)
There you go, a very roughed-out, preliminary plan. I'm certainly open to suggestions for other races. I already have Tinker Bell which is costing me a fortune, so travel races will be tough, but I'd love to come run with some of you!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
A Click-Tastic Giveaway
Given the upcoming holiday season, I'd like to give some gifts over the next few weeks to some of my favorite people - YOU! Today marks the first of several giveaways for the month of December.
If you've been around me here or on twitter for any length of time, you know I LURVE my CLICK Espresso Protein for breakfast. When the good folks at CLICK asked if I'd like to partner for a giveaway, I didn't hesitate. This stuff is so yummy, fills me up, and gives me a nice boost of energy to get through my mornings.
CLICK is offering a couple ways to win. One winner (drawn by some random number generator type thingy) will win the following gift pack from CLICK, valued at $25:
The contest will run from today, November 29 through Tuesday, December 6th. Here's how you enter:
If you've been around me here or on twitter for any length of time, you know I LURVE my CLICK Espresso Protein for breakfast. When the good folks at CLICK asked if I'd like to partner for a giveaway, I didn't hesitate. This stuff is so yummy, fills me up, and gives me a nice boost of energy to get through my mornings.
CLICK is offering a couple ways to win. One winner (drawn by some random number generator type thingy) will win the following gift pack from CLICK, valued at $25:
Also, because CLICK is trying to build up their Facebook following, the first 25 readers to "like" their page on Facebook and leave me a comment will win a sample of CLICK! Easy-Peasy!
The contest will run from today, November 29 through Tuesday, December 6th. Here's how you enter:
- Leave a comment telling me your favorite breakfast - OR - if you've tried CLICK, your favorite way to enjoy it.
- Tweet about this giveaway and then come back and leave a comment with the permalink (click on the timestamp).
- "Like" LiveLaughRunBreathe on Facebook (the link is up at the top) and then leave a comment.
- "Like" CLICK on Facebook (you get a free sample JUST for doing this!) and then, you guessed it, leave a comment.
- Follow @DrinkClick on Twitter and then leave a comment.
That's 5 ways to enter and win yourself a great breakfast! Make sure there is a way for me (or more specifically, CLICK) to contact you so they can send you your swag!!
If you simply can't wait to see if you've won, CLICK is offering the following BOGO deal for my readers (just click on the link - I can't get it to show up as button):
a href="">" border="0" alt="CLICK Espresso Protein Drink" style="border:none" />
Legal mumbojumbo: Click has provided these gifts to my readers at no cost to me, but the opinions stated are 100% my own.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Menu Monday: Caramel Apple Pie
One of my stand-by desserts, served nearly every holiday, is this Caramel Apple Pie. It never fails and is absolutely amazing reheated with some vanilla ice cream. Enjoy!

Crust for a single crust pie (either homemade or use the Pillsbury like I do)
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup quick-cooking oats
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar
3 Tbsp all purpose flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp salt
6 cups thinly sliced, peeled Granny Smith apples
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/4 cup caramel topping
1. Place crust into pie plate.
2. Crumb topping: stir together brown sugar, 1/2 cup flour, and oats. Use pastry blender to cut in butter until course crumbs. Set aside.
3. In a large bowl, stir together sugar, 3 Tbsp flour, cinnamon and salt. Add apple slices and gently toss until coated. Put on crust. Sprinkle crumb topping over mixture.
4. To prevent over browning, cover edge of pie with foil or pie shield. Bake at 375* for 25 minutes. Remove foil. Bake another 25-30 minutes more until golden. Remove from oven and sprinkle with pecans and drizzle with caramel. Cool on a wire rack.This is by far my favorite type of pie. What's yours?
Sunday, November 27, 2011
LLRB 365: 2011 Week 46
Why is it that with a short work-week and a holiday do I feel so much more tired than if I'd worked all week. Hopefully you were able to enjoy some time off and a visit with those you love this Thanksgiving.
Words to live by
I love my skinny jeans and shiny shoes
Taught the girl how to make Caramel Apple Pie (recipe tomorrow!)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Unlocked the "Mall Rat" badge on FourSquare. What made this so funny was I wrote "I love the smell of commerce in the morning" when I checked in. If you know the movie, you know why I about died when I unlocked this badge.
What I wore for Girl's Night Out
Today will consist of this:
How did you spend your Thanksgiving? (or to my international friends, your weekend?)
ps-stay tuned for a giveaway coming on Tuesday!
pss-my "follow me" widgit appears to be broken - can any of you fix it?
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thankful Thanksgiving
As I sit around watching football and smelling the turkey cooking in the oven, I want to spend a couple minutes giving thanks.
I'm thankful for my family. They support me & put up with me. Without their encouragement, I wouldn't have become a marathoner this year.

I'm thankful for my amazing friends, those who have stuck by me for many years as well as the friends I've "met" here. You all mean the world to me.

I'm thankful to have my faith. No matter what is happening, I know that God loves me and at the end of the day will always have my back.

Blessings to you and yours on this Thanksgiving Day.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I'm thankful for my family. They support me & put up with me. Without their encouragement, I wouldn't have become a marathoner this year.

I'm thankful for my amazing friends, those who have stuck by me for many years as well as the friends I've "met" here. You all mean the world to me.

I'm thankful to have my faith. No matter what is happening, I know that God loves me and at the end of the day will always have my back.

Blessings to you and yours on this Thanksgiving Day.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
My Christmas *Wish* List
So, I'm completely ripping off this post from Thea and also Lissa.
Every year at this time, we get massive Christmas wish lists from some family members while others choose to go the 'no list' route. Both methods are completely crazy and really do nothing to put me in the Christmas spirit.
In all reality, there is nothing that I need and the stuff I want no one is going to get me anyway. Same goes for the rest of my family. So, I thought after reading Thea and Lissa's posts that it would be fun to create the ultimate wish list. If anyone in my family asks me what I want for Christmas, I'm giving them one of my blog business cards and directing them to this post.
Here goes....
Every year at this time, we get massive Christmas wish lists from some family members while others choose to go the 'no list' route. Both methods are completely crazy and really do nothing to put me in the Christmas spirit.
In all reality, there is nothing that I need and the stuff I want no one is going to get me anyway. Same goes for the rest of my family. So, I thought after reading Thea and Lissa's posts that it would be fun to create the ultimate wish list. If anyone in my family asks me what I want for Christmas, I'm giving them one of my blog business cards and directing them to this post.
Here goes....
- Fully funded college funds for both kids (I can't be completely selfless).
- A giant motorhome (with an unlimited gas card) so I could drive around the country scooping up all my friends.
- A private jet for the same purpose as #2, but faster.
- My own private island in the Caribbean somewhere, with an unlimited supply of rum and sunscreen.
- Race entry to the Kaua'i Marathon and plane tickets/hotel rooms for my whole family to come watch me run.
- Season passes to Disney World and a condo in which to stay in every year when we visit.
- Unlimited time off and cash, so I can go visit/travel/run anywhere I want, whenever I want.
- A chauffeur to drive the kids to all their
crapactivities. - A personal chef and maid.
- Lipo and a tummy tuck so I look awesome in my bikini while lounging on my private island.
That's probably a good start. I'm sure there's more, but I don't want to seem greedy. :)
What's on your ultimate Christmas list?
In all seriousness, I want to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. I know I'm incredibly thankful for all of you. Much love. XOXO
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Running to Give Back: A Guest Post
In this week of giving thanks, I'd like to introduce you to my first guest blogger - Jackie! Jackie blogs over at Jackie's Arc and is also a staff writer for the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance Blog.
Jackie joined the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance in 2009 as research assistant after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in English and a minor in fitness and nutrition. Jackie’s experience in technical and medical research has allowed her to assist in the development of medical content and outreach efforts, with specializations in alternative care, cancer support programs, and social media campaigns. In addition, she runs and is an advocate for running for charity. Jackie asked if she could share an article about running for a good cause with my readers, and I'm pleased to introduce you to Jackie (that's her in the white hat and blue/black jacket)...
Jackie joined the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance in 2009 as research assistant after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in English and a minor in fitness and nutrition. Jackie’s experience in technical and medical research has allowed her to assist in the development of medical content and outreach efforts, with specializations in alternative care, cancer support programs, and social media campaigns. In addition, she runs and is an advocate for running for charity. Jackie asked if she could share an article about running for a good cause with my readers, and I'm pleased to introduce you to Jackie (that's her in the white hat and blue/black jacket)...
The Importance of Running for a Good Cause
By: Jackie Clark
If you've never run a marathon before, you don't know what you're missing.
As a runner I have found that gaining sponsorship in order to donate money to a favorite charity can be relatively easy. People like helping people especially when there is a cancer connection. Sadly, everyone is connected to cancer in some way and people struggle with the best way to help those fighting for their lives. When I mention that I am running for charity people are more than willing to donate because they can provide something tangible to those in need.
As a runner I have found that gaining sponsorship in order to donate money to a favorite charity can be relatively easy. People like helping people especially when there is a cancer connection. Sadly, everyone is connected to cancer in some way and people struggle with the best way to help those fighting for their lives. When I mention that I am running for charity people are more than willing to donate because they can provide something tangible to those in need.
The New York City Marathon is one of the most popular marathons and provides funding for over a 190 charities. If you have a specific cause that you want to run for, whether it is mesothelioma, sudden infant death syndrome, or even ovarian cancer, there are many options available for finding a race that promotes awareness and supports a charity that donates to your specific cause.
Running for charity is more than physical endurance test for me. It is also an emotional experience. You don't have to be a strong runner to feel the powerful connection to the people around you as you race. I have met people from all walks of life while running. Maybe you'll talk to some of your fellow runners, maybe not, but you're all in this race together. You're all dedicated to raising money for a specific cause and to saving lives of your fellow humans who can't always stand up and speak for themselves.
In addition to raising money for others, running for charity has also helped strengthen my body and improved my overall health. You'll need to spend several months preparing for your marathon in order to be able to physically complete the race. Realize that marathon preparation, no matter how noble, is something you should take seriously. Eat healthy foods and avoid processed and high-calorie meals as much as possible in order to help yourself feel and look as good as possible when the day of the race comes. A healthy diet will not only improve your appearance, but also will also increase your energy levels and help you feel good and be able to keep up as you run.
Once you decide to run, immediately begin to tell the people around you so that they can support you financially and emotionally. While you shouldn't beg people for money, there isn't anything wrong with letting your friends and family members know that you're going to be running so that they can donate if they want to or so that they can tell others about the cause. Talking about your decision to run also opens up the opportunity to discuss the actual charity you're supporting.
Running for charity is more than physical endurance test for me. It is also an emotional experience. You don't have to be a strong runner to feel the powerful connection to the people around you as you race. I have met people from all walks of life while running. Maybe you'll talk to some of your fellow runners, maybe not, but you're all in this race together. You're all dedicated to raising money for a specific cause and to saving lives of your fellow humans who can't always stand up and speak for themselves.
In addition to raising money for others, running for charity has also helped strengthen my body and improved my overall health. You'll need to spend several months preparing for your marathon in order to be able to physically complete the race. Realize that marathon preparation, no matter how noble, is something you should take seriously. Eat healthy foods and avoid processed and high-calorie meals as much as possible in order to help yourself feel and look as good as possible when the day of the race comes. A healthy diet will not only improve your appearance, but also will also increase your energy levels and help you feel good and be able to keep up as you run.
Once you decide to run, immediately begin to tell the people around you so that they can support you financially and emotionally. While you shouldn't beg people for money, there isn't anything wrong with letting your friends and family members know that you're going to be running so that they can donate if they want to or so that they can tell others about the cause. Talking about your decision to run also opens up the opportunity to discuss the actual charity you're supporting.
Thank you for sharing, Jackie. As runners, this is definitely an area where we can give back, whether it be fundraising and running for a cause near to your heart, or simply getting out your checkbook and supporting those running around you.
Happy Thanksgiving my friends!
Monday, November 21, 2011
LLRB 365: 2011 Week 45
Finally got my hairs did.
Plotted out my Tinker Bell Half Marathon training plan. (Normally there's so much more color on here, but the kids are now between activities.)
Hunkered in with a book tonight.
Watched D's opening night performance of Taming of the Shrew (he's in the white shirt/black pants).
My dad came up to see D's show.
Broke out the cold weather gear for the first "long" run of Tink training. (I use long loosely as it was only 4 miles-but it still kicked my butt. I feel like I've lost so much endurance since the marathon - it's sad, really.)
Went to Founder's Brewing to listen to some jazz and enjoy a beverage.
(also - Happy Birthday to my Dad!)
A busy week with the start of half training and all of D's practices and performances (poor kid didn't get home until 10:30 or later every night this week!)
This week I'm definitely looking forward to some time off. Only 2 days of work and then we're off for Thanksgiving. (Granted, I'm cooking this year, so it won't be much of a break, but I love to cook so it isn't a big deal.)
What are your Thanksgiving plans this year?
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thankful Thursday (a day late): Talented Kids
Today I'm writing my Thankful Thursday post a day late because I didn't get the material until late last night :) This week I'm giving thanks that my boy has found his niche in high school. He's always been involved in music (and was the ONLY freshman to make the top jazz band at his high school a couple weeks ago!) but he's now found a love of theater.
Yesterday marked D's acting debut in The Taming of the Shrew. He played 3 roles: a servant, messenger, and sheriff. I knew he had some lines, but I was surprised by how many he actually had. He did a great job and I'm so proud of him.
His first bio! |
Servant (white shirt/black pants) |
Making an arrest as Sheriff (brown hat) |
I was in choir so I was "forced" to be in a bunch of musicals in high school, but I never had any speaking parts (way outside my comfort zone-to this day I panic at the thought of public speaking). How about you? Were you ever involved in theater in high school or college?
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
True Confessions: A Rut
I wasn't going to post today, but I'm feeling very blah and needed to get a few things out (at least what I can get out in a public forum like this).
- I'm in a rut.
- I'm fueling my body (and I use the term "fueling" very loosely) with crap and my scale is reflecting this. (Case in point: McD's fries for lunch today.)
- I'm the heaviest I've been in probably 6 months. Not by a lot, but enough that I'm over what I consider my "danger" weight and I feel gross right now.
- I've run a whopping 18 miles total since my marathon on October 16th. (To put it in perspective, I hadn't run less than 18 miles in a WEEK for the three months leading up to the race, except one week when I was horribly sick and only ran 4 miles.)
- I also haven't been doing really any other workouts. I've biked once or twice, done a couple NTC workouts, but that's it. It's no wonder I've gained a couple pounds and probably lost massive amounts of muscle. Eating crap + no exercise = a fat, depressed, Bari.
- My Tinker Bell Half Marathon training is supposed to start this week. Tonight should be my "first" run of 40 minutes and this Saturday my "first" long run of 4 miles (if I follow the half plan from a year ago). Should be easy, right? But my runs lately haven't been very easy. I really wish I had a training partner for this, because the thought of training by myself this winter makes me sad.
If anyone would like to run with me this afternoon/tonight, please let me know. I'd love the company.
Monday, November 14, 2011
LLRB 365: 2011 Week 44
I know I say it just about every week, but I can't believe we are 44 weeks into 2011 already. Crazy. This week I spent a ton of time with the kids (or rather, attending events for the kids while they spent time with various chaperons - #winning!)
Came home for lunch. Stop staring at me!
We attended fall sports awards night. Our high school has (I'm thinking) around 3500 students. 230ish received varsity letters tonight. 22 of them were freshman - including my girl (she lettered in diving). Proud mama for sure!
I was less than thrilled by the 30 mph winds and freezing rain that forced ok wussed me into running on the treadmill. I should've run outside. It was HOT in there but I loved my YMX by Yellowman jersey I won from Shrinkingjeans (it was too hot for the awesome armwarmers they also sent)!
We headed down to Indianapolis where on the way I rediscovered my love of wind farms.
The kids competed with the Grandville High School Marching Band at BOA Nationals. In 2 weeks they've gotten to march in 2 NFL stadiums. Last weekend it was Ford Field. This week: Lucas Oil Stadium, home of the Indianapolis Colts and the 2012 Superbowl! They put on a spectacular show (probably their best of the season), but sadly, they did not advance to the semi-final round and the 2010 season ended for them tonight.
As a weekend bonus, I got to hang out with a few of my favorite people - Kirsten, Jamie and Ali :) We enjoyed dinner, drinks and hilarious conversation.
On the way home, Mike suggested we stop at the new Greenbush Brewery in Sawyer. I can't say I was disappointed - yum!
Today, God reminded me of His love on many occasions. The sunset He provided was spectacular. (These are unfiltered iPhone 4s shots - and I'm not even that great a photographer.)
I hope and pray the sunset on your week was just as breathtaking. Much love. B
Friday, November 11, 2011
Fitness Friday
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thankful Thursday: Friends!
It just occurred to me that I forgot to write my Thankful Thursday post this morning. I had a good excuse, though. I was busy wrapping up work so I could hit the road. (I'm actually posting this from my laptop as I use M's mobile wifi hotspot - so I'm also thankful for freaking cool tech gadgets!)
This weekend I'm thankful that because of a totally random happenstance that was a band competition and a conference, I get to see Kirsten and meet Ali on Friday!
I'm incredibly thankful for my friends. They make me laugh. They keep me sane. I couldn't "BE" without them.
So, ladies, I'm bringing the margaritas! Kirsten, make sure to fill up the ice bucket :)
This weekend I'm thankful that because of a totally random happenstance that was a band competition and a conference, I get to see Kirsten and meet Ali on Friday!
I'm incredibly thankful for my friends. They make me laugh. They keep me sane. I couldn't "BE" without them.
So, ladies, I'm bringing the margaritas! Kirsten, make sure to fill up the ice bucket :)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
True Confessions: Somebody Slap Me
Ok, people. The eating and drinking post marathon are getting WAY out of hand. The past couple weeks have been crazy busy with kid schedules and stress and so we've been eating out more and I'll admit to more than a few adult beverages in the evenings when we finally do all get home.
It has to stop.
I have one more weekend of travel (with some much needed girl-time thrown in) so I know this week is still going to be hard for eating right and laying off the booze.
But, I need to make some changes.
It has to stop.
I have one more weekend of travel (with some much needed girl-time thrown in) so I know this week is still going to be hard for eating right and laying off the booze.
But, I need to make some changes.
- more water (I don't think I drank hardly any all last weekend)
- more running (I have a half marathon at the end of January, which is so far away, but I don't want to lose all the fitness I've gained.)
- more cross-training (I went to spin class on Sunday and it about killed me.)
- less booze (*sniff-sniff*)
Any other ideas? I'm open to suggestions.
Monday, November 7, 2011
LLRB 365: 2011 Week 43
How in blazes have we made it through October and into November already? Did all of you enjoy your extra hour of sleep Saturday night? I used it as an excuse to stay out later - oops.
Here's my week in review:
Happy Halloween! Considering I thought we had agreed we were going to hide and not hand out candy this year, I thought the giant bowl of all my favorites M bought was rather cruel.
And, for those of you who wanted to know what I did with last week's fabric purchase, I give you: A Bag of Cotton Candy. (All of the teaching staff dressed up as "candy" this year. Please be kind)
Today, I give you a picture of my reward for running the marathon - a bunch of new clothes (excuse the messy closet). (Also, the nerd in me absolutely loves this date, but I never took a picture of it.)
Happy palindrome day. The picture has nothing to do with that, but whatever. It's my blog.
My daughter competed in the conference prelims and finished 23/33 after 5 dives. She qualified for semifinals but bowed out since she wouldn't be able to compete in the finals on Saturday anyway because of a schedule conflict with marching band. I'm so proud of my girl for how hard she's worked this season.
We headed to the east side of the state to celebrate my friend Jen's birthday! An all vegan menu, tons of wine, and the company of good friends was exactly what I needed.
D and K's marching band competed in the state finals and got to march at Ford Field. They finished 10/12 at finals and 10/15th in the state for Flight 1 (the largest schools).
I almost didn't each lunch on Saturday until I remembered the leftovers in the fridge from Anita's in Ferndale. (Seriously, if you are ever in the Detroit area - go to Anita's in Ferndale. Even if you aren't in the area, it's totally worth the drive.)
There you have it. The end to another busy week. Hopefully things will settle down a bit now that diving is finished and marching band is almost done. How was your week? Anything fun to report?
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