Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday: Weight vs BMI

Pretty rocking roller coaster, huh? What I see is a trend going upward but I can also look at this and say I've maintained my weight for the past 3 months. Sadly, that's never been the goal.

Starting Weight (11-28-12): 153.6
Last week: 149.4
This week: 148.0
Change: down 1.4
Total change: down 5.6

I've been tracking me weight for almost a year and I've only lost 5.6 pounds. As much as I hate to admit, maybe this is what I'm supposed to weigh. Or maybe I'm just not trying hard enough. I'd like to say I don't care but I don't think that's the truth.

Yes, it's just a number, but this weight has me at a BMI of 27.1 which is in the OVERWEIGHT category. To be in the normal range I'd need to weigh under 140 with some charts saying 131! I don't think I've weight 131 since middle school.

Does this mean I'm going to always be overweight? It's kind of looking that way. While I'd love to say I weigh 130 pounds, there's no way in hell I'm ever going to see 130 pounds unless I'm starving myself. I guess I don't care enough to do that.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think BMI is an accurate portrait if health?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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