This week was a bit "off" for me. I hate making excuses for missing workouts, but I definitely didn't get in everything I should have. I've been sick for over a month, my son had his play this week, and there were a couple days that I just wanted a break. Plus I did Monday's run on Sunday, which threw off this week. Basically, all I did was run. And my feet hurt. A lot. Threw in some stretching and one bike ride, but the cross training was meager at best. All-in-all, it was still a decent week with another post-injury distance PR, so I'll take it. I'm *thisclose* to pulling the trigger on one more big race for 2012.
Monday 11/11 - REST
Tuesday 11/12 - REST (not a good trend - haven't had 2 rest days in a row in forever)
Wednesday 11/13 - RUN Windy mile repeats run (2 x 1600 at 8:48 pace). Did 4 miles in 37:52 (9:28 pace) but my repeats were all over the place (8:17 and 9:13). I need to work on consistency.
Thursday 11/14 - BIKE 8 miles in 39 min. This was a very easy ride while I watched Nashville on my iPad. I knew I needed to do something but had no motivation to work hard.
Friday 11/15 - REST (normally a swim day but I had family coming up for dinner and then D's play, so I scooted home to cook right after work).
Saturday 11/16 - LONG RUN 12.12 miles in 2:12:29 (10:55 pace) - this run was HARD but more so from a mental standpoint than a physical one. I had a lot of heel pain after but the hip hasn't been feeling as bad, so I'm considering this to be progress. I wore my 2012 Newtons with heel cups that a friend loaned me and I didn't have the numbness in my toes that I've experienced with my 2013 Newtons. Starting to wonder if I need a different style shoe, which makes me sad.
Sunday 11/17 - STRETCH/ROLL. Worked a lot on my calves in an effort to make my heel not hurt so much.
I'm going to be working this week on adding some extra speedwork into my plan (or at least being a bit more consistent). I've heard really good things about short, slow-paced hill-work sessions on the treadmill, so those might start making an appearance.
How was your week? There were a lot of races around here (our season is coming to a close). Anything fun to report?