Friday, January 31, 2014

Fitness Friday: Challange Accepted!

Most people start some kind of New Year's workout challenge and this year I was no different.  I actually completed 3 challenges, none of which required running because injuries suck donkey balls but that's a different post entirely.  The first challenge was BethBob's #raceshirtaday Instagram challenge.  I gotta say, NAILED IT! I went 31/31 - a perfect score :) I really loved this - wear a different race shirt every day this month.  I only wore a couple to work (like today's Jax Bank Half shirt) because casual dress isn't really supported.  What was really fun was writing a blurb on Instagram when I posted the shirts.  It gave me a chance to relive some of those races and dig out some really old shirts.  I have race reports on most of these races here if you care to read them.
The second challenge was put on by the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans.  Squats and Push-ups - what's not to love besides everything?  Nailed this one, too.  I ignored most of the rest days and working out for 15-20 minutes in the morning has become a pretty cool routine.  I made it to the 3 rounds of 50 squats and 30 push-ups (modified).  Another success!  (Shrinking Jeans does a monthly workout calendar every month so if you want to get in on the fun, check back later today or tomorrow when Lissa posts the next calendar.)

Lastly, one of my girlfriends found this plank challenge from Athleta and we've been checking in each day on Facebook with how we've been doing on our planks.  This has also become part of my morning routine and I'm proud to say that while I didn't make it to 5 minutes (honestly, I think this was unrealistic), I can do a solid 3 minute plank now and can stretch it to 4 minutes with a 30 second arm position change.  This has also become part of my morning routine.

Did you participate in any fun workout challenges this month?  How did they go?

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